Terms And Conditions

Shine Clean Terms and Conditions


When booking via the Website on shineclean-kw.com or via the App (collectively, the "Site"), you must read and accept the terms and conditions ("Terms") of the reservation before scheduling an appointment. Once you make an appointment, you are bound by the terms herein.




  • By offering this Site for use, Shine Clean offers a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited license to access and use the information and services on this Site personally, subject to and strictly in line with these Terms. Shine Clean reserves the right to modify or terminate this license at any time and for any reason.
  • Failure to comply with these Terms may result in automatic termination of this license, without prior notice. Except for the limited license set forth in these Terms, Shine Clean does not grant you any express or implied rights or licenses under any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other proprietary materials.


Booking Terms & Conditions


Customers must remove all personal belongings, money and other important items from their vehicle before we provide our service.

  • Shine Clean shall not be liable for any liability arising from any damage or loss to any personal property including the vehicle being serviced or any belongings inside the vehicle or service site. It is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle is maintained in a legal and safe area, and if you feel otherwise, please report your concerns to our service agent.
  • All vehicles are cleaned at the customer's own risk and must be able to withstand normal cleanings.
  • While every attempt will be made to maintain regular bookings on the same day and time each week, we may sometimes be asked to make changes but we will try to report the changes before our service agent arrives.
  • We reserve the right to take debit or credit card details to secure your reservation.
  • We reserve the right to amend or transfer a booking in line with staffing levels, weather conditions and/or machinery or equipment breakdown or any difficulty.
  • All applications submitted require verification of address, parcel and vehicle condition. Service requests are not guaranteed at the time of booking and may be cancelled at any time at Shine Clean's sole discretion. Shine Clean reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
  • Shine Clean reserves the right to refuse or reject customer requests that exceed the booked service.
  • Shine Clean will not tolerate any verbal or physical abuse towards any of its employees under any circumstances and will take relevant action if any such behaviors are encountered.
  • The company is not responsible for the loss of any money or valuables inside the car
  • The company is not responsible for any electrical fault after washing




Pricing Terms & Conditions


  • All prices are displayed on the list of our services that can be found on the site. We reserve the right to change prices without prior notice.
  • A minimum additional fee of 20% will apply to any service that includes excess pet hair, vomit, urine, blood, feces or other unstable materials.
  • Our prices depend on the type of service, location, type of vehicle and condition of the vehicle.
  • Shine Clean reserves the right to ship each vehicle according to its condition, vehicle type and customer location.




  • Shine Clean will send you SMS to verify your service request, send information about the service agent, and conduct a customer satisfaction survey after the service ends. Depending on your mobile service, you may incur costs from these SMS text messages from your mobile service provider. Shine Clean is not responsible for any of these potential costs.
  • Shine Clean may contact you directly to schedule your service or conduct a customer satisfaction survey. In the event of an order cancellation, we may contact you to find out the reasons for canceling the order.
  • All incoming and outgoing customer service calls may be recorded in order to ensure quality.


Our Terms of Service


  • We may ask you where you heard about Shine Clean to evaluate our marketing strategies
  • We may conduct customer satisfaction surveys.
  • We will ask your permission to keep your debit or credit card details to secure a regular reservation.
  • We reserve the right to charge the full amount to the debit or credit card even if the vehicle is not available for cleaning, and the reservation has not been cancelled in advance.


Restrictions on access to and use of the Site


You agree to access or use the Site strictly for lawful purposes. You agree that you will not use any device, software or other tool to impede or attempt to impede the proper functioning of the Site, and that you will not initiate any action or intent to inflict an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure or system. Also, you agree that you will not use any robot, spider, or other automated devices or manual process to monitor or copy our App or the content embedded herein, without the prior express consent of Shine Clean.



Cancellation Terms & Conditions


  • We expect 1-2 hours' notice to cancel any booking service.
  • Failure to provide such cancellation notice immediately will result in a fee of at least 15% of the cost of the Service.
  • Appointments cancelled on the same day will incur a fee of 15% of the cost of the service.
  • Shine Clean reserves the right to pay the full amount if the reservation on the day is canceled without prior agreement.
  • Shine Clean reserves the right to change or amend the booking time/date without penalty but where possible it will inform the customer accordingly.
  • Shine Clean reserves the right to modify the booking or transfer the booking in line with its employee levels, weather conditions and/or equipment failure or difficulty without any form of penalty or liability to the Company.
  • Failure to be present at the time and place of the requested service will result in the collection of the full value of the service.


Service Assurance


  • Cleaning the vehicle personally or professionally after initial service without permission from Shine Clean cancels our service warranty. No buybacks, refunds, or compensation will be provided after any unauthorized cleaning.
  • Failure to disclose at the time of booking any conditional issues including heavy stains, human or animal biological waste, unpleasant odors, mold, chemical spills, mold, chemical overspray or any other unstable substances voids our service warranty. No refunds, refunds or any additional work outside of the original package or estimate will be given.
  • Any claims  must be made within 24 hours of  service completion by phone, email (info@shineclean-kw.com) or submitting a review online. Photos of the area must be sent to the info@shineclean-kw.com within 24 hours of submitting the claim.


Feedback is welcome


The more suggestions our users make, the better the service becomes. If the User sends us any feedback or suggestions regarding the Services, there is an opportunity for us to use them, so the User grants us an unlimited, irrevocable, perpetual, sublicensable, transferable, royalty-free license to use any such comments or suggestions for any purpose without any obligation or compensation to the User. If we choose not to implement the proposal, please do not take it personally. However, we appreciate it.



Force Majeure


We will not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of our obligations due to events beyond our reasonable control, which may include strikes, riots, fires, acts of God, war, terrorism and government actions.




Shine Clean hereby represents and warrants that neither the Service nor its use as stated herein will be any form of infringement of the rights of any third party or violation of any applicable laws or regulations, such as copyright, trademark and patent laws. Unless expressly stated in this Agreement, Shine Clean makes no warranty, directly or indirectly, with respect to any matter, including without limitation on advertising and any other services, and expressly disclaims its inferred warranties or conditions of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for any reason. We do not provide any warranty on the results of using the Service, and the user assumes all risk and responsibility in connection with them.


Limitation of Liability


Use the Site at your own risk. The Site is provided on an "as is" basis. To the fullest extent permitted by law: (a) Shine Clean disclaims liability of any kind, whether arising out of contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise with respect to the Site; and (b) all implied warranties, terms and conditions relating to the Site (whether implied by statue, common law or otherwise), including (without limitation) any warranty, condition or condition as to accuracy, completeness, satisfactory quality or PERFORMANCE, FITNESS FOR PURPOSE OR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AVAILABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, ACCURACY OF INFORMATION, INTEROPERABILITY OR QUIET ENJOYMENT, AS BETWEEN SHINE CLEAN AND YOU, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. In particular, but without prejudice to the foregoing, we accept no liability for any technical malfunction of the Internet and/or the App; or any damage or injury to users or their equipment as a result of or related to their use of the Site. Your legal rights are not affected.

In contract or tort (including, without limitation, negligence), under the Statute or otherwise, as a result of or in connection with the Site, Shine Clean shall not be liable for any (a) economic loss (including, without limitation, loss of revenue, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings); (b) loss of goodwill or goodwill; or (iii) special, indirect or consequential loss.




The User agrees to indemnify and hold Shine Clean and its employees, directors, heirs and assigns harmless from and against any liability, damage, loss or expenses, including attorneys' fees, resulting from the posting, distribution or transmission of any advertisement made by or on behalf of the User or linking any advertisement to any other material. You agree to fully and upon demand Shine Clean shall be incurred or incurred directly or indirectly as a result of your actions while using the Site other than in accordance with these Terms or applicable laws.




If any part of these Terms is held to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, such part shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to remedy unenforceability or invalidity, or if it is not possible to remedy the unenforceability or invalidity of such Terms, that part of these Terms shall be severed, and the other part of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect.




No failure or delay by either party to exercise any right under the Terms shall constitute a waiver of such right. No waiver under the Terms will be effective unless made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the party who is deemed to have granted the waiver.




Any obligations and liabilities incurred prior to the date of dissolution of these Terms shall supersede the dissolution of this Agreement for all purposes.

These Terms shall remain in full force and effect until resolved by you or us. You may cancel these Terms at any period by informing us that you no longer want or wish to access or use the Services, or when you stop using any of the Services.

If you fail or refuse, at our sole discretion, or we notice or suspect that you have failed or refused to be bound by any of the provisions set forth in these Terms, we may also dissolve this Agreement at any period without prior notice and you will remain legally liable for all amounts due until the date of dissolution; and/or may thereby deny you access to any aspect of the Services.


Breach of these Terms


If you violate or violate in any way any of the rights or provisions set forth in these Terms, or if we reasonably suspect that you have violated or violated any of the rights or provisions set forth in these Terms in any way, we reserve the right to impose certain consequences, which include

  • Give you one or more formal warnings;.
  • temporarily suspend your access to or use of the Services;
  • Never allow you to access or use the Services.
  • Restrict computers that use your IP address from accessing services.
  • Contact any or all of your ISPs and ask them not to allow you to access or use the Services:
  • initiating legal proceedings against you, whether for breach/breach of contract or otherwise; and/or


Entire Agreement


These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Shine Clean with respect to its subject matter, and supersede and supersede any prior versions of the Terms. You may not assign or transfer these Terms or any right granted under this Agreement. You may also be subject to additional terms and conditions that may apply when using Shine Clean or third-party products or services.

Shine Clean company

Copyright 2024 Shine Clean company